Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Storing Summer Berries: 5 Tips We Learned the Hard Way
1. Timing is everything: Only rinse berries right before you use them. Water increases the likelihood they'll start to mold.
2. Don't soak: Place them in a colander and rinse water over them instead of fully submerging them.
3. Give them a quick chill: You know how sun-ripened, warm berries have that delightful soft messiness to them? Well, that is what makes them taste just like summer, but it's also what makes them incredibly delicate and difficult to wash. So a good tip is to refrigerate them for an hour or so when you bring them home from the market. They're easier to rinse when they've had a chance to firm up just a bit.
4. Storage is the key: After washing berries, let them rest in a colander in the refrigerator and another vessel that has some air circulation. This will help them dry out more considerably than if just placed in a bowl. Place a paper towel in the colander first, then slide out later.
5. Avoid the crisper: Many people believe that berries will go bad more quickly if kept in the crisper because the air has a higher humidity and doesn't circulate as much as throughout the rest of the refrigerator. In a very unscientific sampling, I find this to be true and follow this myself.  In fact, I think my husband may have tossed the berries I just bought into the crisper.  They're probably rotten. :(

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